Sunday, November 25, 2007

More on My experience with Traffic Exchanges - bonus credits & referrals

When I first began to use the Traffic Exchanges, I had no real intention of promoting other exchanges, but I needed to promote more than my blogs, so I decided to use the splash pages and other promotional materials. This week has been very exciting because I started to get my first referrals from the exchanges. Big Ben Hits has provided me with 5 random referrals. It was a real thrill to start getting these, especially when I have been heavily promoting that particular site anyway. Then I received a direct referral from EasyHits4U, and another random referral on Traffic Exchange Twist (I like that site), then another direct referral from Black Dragon Surf, plus a direct referral from Surfin Wild. These referrals have changed the way in which I had started to use the exchanges, because now I am looking for the best possible ways to promote these other exchanges.


There are two sites that have really caught my attention from the point of view of being very worthy of promotion. The first site is Big Ben Hits. The owner of the site, Eddie Ball ( a distant relative perhaps?) has cancer, and he is giving profits from his traffic exchange activities to various cancer charities in the U.K. I think that this is a very worthy cause, especially when my next older sister died as a result of bone cancer at the age of 52. The other site is being run by a Roman Catholic priest and the beneficiaries are children in a remote village in Burundi. I am having success in promoting the banners for his site, but so far there have not been any direct hits.


Some of the new sites that I have discovered this week have very good statistics, including the number of times that a referral page is seen on another exchange. From these statistics I have a general idea with regard to exposure of these sites. So far I have not had any serious bites, but I am also hopeful that someone will take a look and join up to these particular exchanges.


The other thrill of the week has been bonus credits, especially on Surfin Wild. Now this is a really good exchange if one is competitive because there are lots of bonus credits, and I have earned 10, 20 and 30 credits at a time. Once again the winning of the credits has added to that feeling of excitement with regard to participation. Now this excitement could cause a person to go overboard, and yes I have been guilty. The list of exchanges has been steadily growing. What I am learning is how they operate, how best to calculate the number of credits required to maintain my presence with that particular provider and surf as many sites as possible, as well as attend to the animals, cook meals, attend Mass, and eat.

The real disappointment this week has been the change of format for Pooh Bear Surf. I felt that the new script and format was so bad that in the end I have made the decision to cut my membership and concentrate my efforts elsewhere. There are plenty of new players in the field and there are literally hundreds of exchanges. When I tried Global Hits and Pooh Bear Surf together, I found that the new exchange was extremely unfriendly for newbies. I could not truly stick it out. I dropped my membership of Global Hits immediately when I discovered that it does not have a log out. I dropped Sugarland Hits for a similar reason, and it was not in the slightest bit friendly. However, today, after writing a not to Earl, and receiving a reply and tried again but decided that it was a bad joke. The surf ratio appears to have been reduced and there is little option for surf bonuses.


If these owners had really wanted to find a new script for their exchanges, then they could have chosen at least 3 other types that are more user friendly - none of them being AMCS. They could have had a far better exchange by using the ALTE script instead. What they have is just so clumsy when compared to what I considered to be sites that have good variety (including playing CRAPS).





if tg

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